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Bear left to stay on Rt.30 North. Continue on Rt. 30 North for another 3 miles, and turn left onto Rt. 349 (There's a sign for Gloversville at the intersection).
Follow Rt. 349 for 6.5 miles (Rt 349 changes to State St at Rt 30A - cross Rt 30A and continue through the north part of Gloversville) all the way to the end of State St and turn right onto Rt. 29A (at the bottom of a steep hill).
Follow Rt. 29A 12.7 miles (Note: Rt. 29A and Rt. 10 join in Caroga Lake) and turn right at the brown Pine Lake Park sign.
Bear to the left at the beach entrance and ice cream stand.
Take the first left turn after bearing left at the beach (about 600 feet) into Southern Adirondack Pines! The office kiosk is up 75' on the right. Park and use the directions posted to contact us.
Parking is available on the right before the office sign.
Southern Adirondack Pines -
At the Southern Gateway to the Adirondacks …